Monday, 30 September 2019
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
The figures are nice but not the most interesting thing...
These were a reasonably recent eBay purchase. Good original figures nicely painted in a style which matches well with mine. Though I must have at least a hundred foot guards in bearskin by now.
But the really interesting thing was the hand made fitted box they came in. made by the seller's late father, they took me back to when if you wanted something you had to make it yourself - no kickstarters or cottage industry wargames companies. The box is beautifully made out of what I think is artists mounting board, among other things. I have two other purchases from this seller, both with boxes - another Hinton Hunt foot unit and an S range French cavalry box, which is substantially larger.
The fitted boxes reminded me of one of my all time favourite eBay purchases, from a good few years ago, which was a series of Jacklex Colonial artillery and equipment in a purpose made plywood box.
As ever apologies for pictures which are not the best.
Monday, 28 May 2018
My least favourite Hinton Hint figure of all time...
This is my least favourite Hinton Hunt figure of all time.
Or to be more accurate, Hinton Hunt based figure.
I have had about ten of these, black undercoated, for some time; I had seriously thought of throwing them away.
Then a recent eBay purchase of around 30 well painted figures and around 20 part painted or unpainted turned out to be these, which gave me the option with the ones I already had to raise a second battalion.
Essentially the figure is a marching French infantryman which has been given a round hat with plume. Presumably it is intended either to be British Marine or round hat infantry, or Swedes.
I had thought they were unusable but having some nicely painted ones convinced me to paint up the others. They'll do from a distance.
I haven't been able to identify what they are supposed to be from old David Clayton lists.
Or to be more accurate, Hinton Hunt based figure.
I have had about ten of these, black undercoated, for some time; I had seriously thought of throwing them away.
Then a recent eBay purchase of around 30 well painted figures and around 20 part painted or unpainted turned out to be these, which gave me the option with the ones I already had to raise a second battalion.
Essentially the figure is a marching French infantryman which has been given a round hat with plume. Presumably it is intended either to be British Marine or round hat infantry, or Swedes.
I had thought they were unusable but having some nicely painted ones convinced me to paint up the others. They'll do from a distance.
I haven't been able to identify what they are supposed to be from old David Clayton lists.
Sunday, 12 November 2017
A new model army?
Red Regiment - Charcot's Foot
Red Regiment - Charcot's Foot
Blue Regiment - Parliamentarian
Covenanter musketeers
Well my last post here was back in September and was the painting instruction for EWH 2 Trooper Roundhead Cavalry (Ironsides), so it seems appropriate to post these pictures of the ECW infantry I have just finished, which are some of the figures which came with it. I am currently in the middle of painting around 30 Roundhead and Royalist cavalry, with a mounted general each.
I have only had a very few (10-15) ECW figures so I was very pleased to acquire through this blog around 75 foot figures as well as the 30 or so Horse referred to above. These are all original figures dating back to the late 60s/early 70s. I may need either to acquire some extra figures to make more representative units (the Royalists are short of musketeers and the Covenanters will have to be Commanded Musketeers until if and when I can get some pikemen for them), or buy some different sized movement trays from Warbases.
The other odd figures I have include a Roundhead General on foot, a gun crew, a musketeer or two and a smattering of dragoons.I will have a Les Higgins artillery piece somewhere which I can press into service.
When Horse are done I will have a reasonable starter force (though it would work better as one side of two).
When the Horse are finished I will post photos. I may also try to get a better picture of the Blue Regiment to replace the slightly blurry one on this post.
code - EW,
ECW command,
ECW pike,
ECW shot
Monday, 11 September 2017
Painting Instructions - EWH 2 Trooper, Roundhead Cavalry (Ironsides)
I've just acquired my first significant number of ECW Hinton Hunt figures and along with them was an original painting guide for EWH 2. As I've never seen an ECW painting guide before I thought I would post the text here (below).
EWH. 2.
Steel. Generally painted black.
Red with buff coat over the top leaving only the arms of the doublet
exposed (the sleeves were sometimes alternative rust red and light fawn
bands). The long full skirts of the buff coat reach to the knees.
Steel with leather waist strap having a brass buckle. The cuirass was
generally painted black to avoid rust.
Light brown leather with steel spurs.
Sword belt.
Brown leather with brass buckle and slide.
Brown leather with steel tip.
Steel with steel basket hilt.
The armour, helmet and sword of the above figure are based on
existing examples in the Hinton collection.
Horse (EWH. 2.)
Bridle & reins.
Brown leather with steel buckles.
Brown leather, with skirts to saddle brown leather.
Pistol holsters, brown leather, wooden pistol butts with brass caps.
Breast strap, etc.
Brown leather.
Monday, 12 June 2017
Hinton Hunt Painting Instructions
After a significant amount of work I have now finished transcribing all the sets of original Hinton Hunt Painting Transactions I have or which people have kindly sent me.
These originals are typically slightly (at least) fuzzy carbon copy type documents. They don't reproduce well when posted so transcribing them seemed to be the best way to preserve them and make them accessible and usable.
Marcus Hinton was not entirely consistent in style or spelling but I have tried to remain as true as possible to the originals, avoiding editing and keeping as close to the original text and layout.
All are for Napoleonic figures.
I have grouped them in seven separate documents:
A - Index - a list of all those included in the transcripts
1 - AN Codes - Austrians (16)
2 - BN Codes - British (24)
3 - FN Codes - French (51)
4 - PN Codes - Prussian (11)
5 - RN Codes - Russian (9)
6 - Smaller Nations - includes Bavaria (1), Brunswick (3), Netherlands (1), Hesse-Darmstadt (2), Nassau (1), Portugal (1), Grand Duchy of Warsaw (1), Wurttemberg (1)
These documents are pdfs. I hope there may be some additions in time as people may send me scans or copies of sets I don't yet have.
As there is the potential for these documents to change I am not making them available at the moment for download. Instead, you can send me a comment (which I won't publish), giving your email address and saying which of the seven documents you would like me to send you.
It may be that more recent research has overtaken some of this information but Marcus Hinton was serious about his research and they give the authentic answer to how he expected his figures to be painted in the 1960s and 70s. Having transcribed them all I can confirm I think they will be very helpful for anyone looking to paint these vintage figures (provided, of course, the particular set of instructions you need were available to me and are included in my list0.
As I am doing this because once I had done it for myself I thought I would share the information with others, this is all on a good will basis so I make no guarantees about how quickly I can deal with any requests I receive, but I will do my best to respond quickly.
This information is provided on condition no commercial use is made of it, and on condition you do not copy and send to anyone else. If you know of anyone who would also like them, please direct them here to obtain them from me.
These originals are typically slightly (at least) fuzzy carbon copy type documents. They don't reproduce well when posted so transcribing them seemed to be the best way to preserve them and make them accessible and usable.
Marcus Hinton was not entirely consistent in style or spelling but I have tried to remain as true as possible to the originals, avoiding editing and keeping as close to the original text and layout.
All are for Napoleonic figures.
I have grouped them in seven separate documents:
A - Index - a list of all those included in the transcripts
1 - AN Codes - Austrians (16)
2 - BN Codes - British (24)
3 - FN Codes - French (51)
4 - PN Codes - Prussian (11)
5 - RN Codes - Russian (9)
6 - Smaller Nations - includes Bavaria (1), Brunswick (3), Netherlands (1), Hesse-Darmstadt (2), Nassau (1), Portugal (1), Grand Duchy of Warsaw (1), Wurttemberg (1)
These documents are pdfs. I hope there may be some additions in time as people may send me scans or copies of sets I don't yet have.
As there is the potential for these documents to change I am not making them available at the moment for download. Instead, you can send me a comment (which I won't publish), giving your email address and saying which of the seven documents you would like me to send you.
It may be that more recent research has overtaken some of this information but Marcus Hinton was serious about his research and they give the authentic answer to how he expected his figures to be painted in the 1960s and 70s. Having transcribed them all I can confirm I think they will be very helpful for anyone looking to paint these vintage figures (provided, of course, the particular set of instructions you need were available to me and are included in my list0.
As I am doing this because once I had done it for myself I thought I would share the information with others, this is all on a good will basis so I make no guarantees about how quickly I can deal with any requests I receive, but I will do my best to respond quickly.
This information is provided on condition no commercial use is made of it, and on condition you do not copy and send to anyone else. If you know of anyone who would also like them, please direct them here to obtain them from me.
Saturday, 27 May 2017
The Latest Labour of Love - a heads up
You could buy your Hinton Hunt figures with painting instructions researched and produced by Marcus Hinton. These were duplicated sheets of paper (remember Gestetner machines, anybody). Where they survive they can be hard to read, as they are in effect poor carbon copies, around 50years old. I have some originals, and others which people have scanned and sent me, which are also hard to read. You can find many of them posted on this blog here. I have since learned a little more about effective scanning, for example using an black background to prevent show through from the other side, and the use of high pass sharpen in photoshop to improve the images.Also it is possible that I now have a better scanner then when I made these posts a few years ago.
I therefore decided I would transcribe all the sets I have, so that they were clearly legible, and could be made available through this blog to those who would like them.
I don't have a complete set but I do have an index of those in my possession, so if anyone has others please contact me via a comment and I will be glad to add them to the list.
Marcus Hinton was not 100% consistent in his spelling, layout and punctuation, and mostly I have followed his text for each painting instruction, only altering them where this is necessary for them to make sense - they are as near as possible verbatim versions of the originals.The collection and transcription has taken a considerable amount of effort so I am afraid you'll just have to take or leave them, being made available on my terms.
I need to work out how best to make these available, this will be in pdf files as I don't want people to be altering or amending them and different versions starting to float around.
I therefore need next to look into ways of making these files downloadable, using Dropbox or other means, or other wise sending them out on request by email.. I am also thinking that I may keep them in separate documents - AN -Austrian, BN - British, DB - The Netherlands, FN - French, HN - Hessen Darmstadt, PN - Prussian, RN - Russian, and WTN - Wurttemberg - rather than in a single but unwieldy document. I hope to do this in the next couple of days.
As anyone who has followed the link to Marcus Hinton's scrapbook from Stryker's Hinton Hunt Vintage Wargaming Figures blog Marcus Hinton took his research seriously and the painting instructions are useful to collectors and gamers today as they show how he intended his figures to be finished. Hopefully a modern transcription will make them more accessible, usable and hence useful today.
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
Hinton Hunt Figures WATERLOO
I have just obtained this document dating from 1965 and the 150th anniversary, possibly from the Wargamer's Newsletter's Military Festival at the Duke of York Headquarters in Chelsea on 20th March (see this post on Doug Crowther's admirable Unfashionably Shiny blog).
I have also come into more Hinton Hunt painting instructions. These are not particularly legible as some of them are bad carbon copies, but when I scan them I will photoshop them as best I can.
On a more long term basuis I might consider typing them all up in a word document or series of documents, if there was a demand for this.
I have also come into more Hinton Hunt painting instructions. These are not particularly legible as some of them are bad carbon copies, but when I scan them I will photoshop them as best I can.
On a more long term basuis I might consider typing them all up in a word document or series of documents, if there was a demand for this.
Saturday, 15 February 2014
Interesting Dutch lancers
I recently acquired these two interesting Dutch lancers on ebay. I couldn't quite work them out from the photograph - obviously some conversion work had been done on them - but when they arrived, all became clear thanks to clear codes on the base - the one on the left is FN 41, the trumpeter, with an added lance, while the other is FN 43 lancer charging, but with a replacement lance.
In some circles it is almost sacrilege to suggest converting Vintage HH figures could be a good thing, but you only need to look at what Peter Gilder achieved with his to realise the potential within these figures, particularly the one piece casting cavalry ones, even just with the addition of pin swords.
code - FN,
type - guard cavalry,
type - lancer
Saturday, 1 February 2014
Two more Napoleonic units - British and Spanish infantry
I think both of these units may be Der Kriegspieler figures - I painted and based them quite a while ago and have only just got round to photographng them. When I feel brave I may get the Green Stuff out and have a go at adding greatcoats to some command figures for the British. The Spanish officers are from Douglas Miniatures - not a very good photo I am afraid.
I do have a large number of Spanish and Portuguese infantry battalions which I have acquired and which are waiting painting - the Portuguese are eight line and two cacadores battalions, all Hinton Hunt, with a third Der Kriegspieler cacadore battalion; and four and a half Hinton and three Douglas Spanish line battalions. It may be a while until I get round to these, but it will beef up all my Portuguese brigades in British Divisions to full strength, and bring my Spanish contingent up to one and a half strong or two weak divisions.
Saturday, 28 September 2013
The Elusive Mr Hunt
I am indebted to DC of Unfashionably Shiny fame for this and a number of other items from his stash of the Bulletin of the British Model Soldier Society. This advertorial piece appeared in the Special Edition (celebrating 1,000 members) in August 1969.
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Colonel General of Hussars 1804

I am sitting here looking at a large collection of military postcards which arrived today. There are around 80 sets of Rene North Paint Your Own Cards, unopened in their original envelopes,around ten unopened packets of Charles Stadden and others, along with some loose cards from the Imperial War Museum and other series.
If anyone has an FN 358, General Andoche Junot in his uniform as the Colonel General of Hussars, ready to paint this card may provide an additional reference to the Hinton Hunt painting instructions posted here.
I will add this image to that post as well. Blogger is messing up the format of this post - I apologise for this and will try to fix it later
code - FN,
Nation - France,
Personality Figures
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Saxon Chevaulegers

These are eight David Clayton castings of SXN 41, one piece Saxon Chevaulegers charging. These came from Jack and in the absence of any Saxon infantry they will be brigaded with their cuirassier brethren within my Polish divisions.
code - SXN,
Nation - Saxony,
type - chevauleger
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Prints Militaire
Hinton Hunt issued a series of plates drawn by Gerry Embleton, together with painting instructions. I am not sure whether these were aimed more at their 54mm figure customers than their 20mm ones. Whatever the case, they were attractive and useful painting aids. Thanks to John and to Richard I have had access to a nearly complete set, and have posted them below, as part of my drive to preserve some of the Hinton Hunt ephemera.
The original description and lists of Prints Militaire from the big Hinton Hunt catalogue are reproduced below.

The original description and lists of Prints Militaire from the big Hinton Hunt catalogue are reproduced below.

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