Saturday, 18 February 2012

Prints Militaire NA2 Austro-Hungarian Infantry 1809-15


Anonymous said...

Interesting array of figures nicely presented. Love the picture of Marcus Hinton; i met him during the 60s quite often when buying 54 mm Napoleonics from his home. I swapped a genuine Imperial Guard bearskin plate for a slew of them. His home was a virtual military museum! I still have around seventy of his early 54s and luckily, an intact Imperial Guard bearskin (1812) which he never managed to prise from me!

Vintage Wargaming said...

Sounds fascinating. Have you seen the scans of Mrcu Hinton's Scrapbooks over on Ian's "Hinton Hunt Vintage Wargames Figures" blog? I think you would enjoy them.

Vintage Wargaming said...

Of course I meant "Marcus" not "Mrcu"